
Thought I'd share a picture of where I spend most of my time and where I'm headed in about 20 minutes. This isn't actually me and I don't even know who this is... I found it on google.
In any case, I thought I'd share some of chapel today from Dr. John Mark Reynolds about Ephesians 5:21.
"If everyone is special, then no one is. This verse talks about us submitting to each other. We are, in essense, all slaves to each other and to Christ. So it follows that if we are all slaves, then none of us are. We are free in Christ, if we submit ourselves to Him and to each other."
That is potential material for a lot of discussion and thought.
Here I go to physics lab......
That is really an awesome lab picture. I thought it was you!! At any rate, I'm glad to see kind of what it's like where you work!
I'm glad about your A. Next time try harder, eh?
Can I post pics here too? Or just you? :)
Christ the Center, that's all that counts. All the rest will somehow fall into place. He can be the center of all, no matter how great or mundane, with just a simple small act of faith, mixed with love, in every activity or event.
I like your avacado too! Yum!!!! I'll fax you one...
Yeah... what the heck. There's hardly anything else in the picture but the girl. All I know about where you are all day is that it has a glass box and a window, and once and a while other people stand around in the background.
About the potential material for discussion and thought, I think we can get lost in these thoughts. Personally, I can brush off this type of talk so easily because its fairly abstract and distant from daily life. What does it mean to submit to one another? To be nice? To be a good friend? To really care about some one? How is this different than what the secular world tells about treating others. How do we submit ourselves to christ other than admiting that we are christians and "follow" him. These are the things I think about. Yeah...
who wants to fly to MI again!!!
Hey, my phone died when I was talking to you... sorry.
Fairly abstract and distant from daily life???? william that type of talk comprises half of all of our conversations... How is this any different?
Sorry, i worded it really bad. Its not abstract or distant, its actually the exact opposite. It is rhetoric that gets repeated so much that people tend to become amune to it. When i hear "we are free in christ," I don't really think about what that means, its just something the christians say and every one goes, "oh.... yeah, of course, you didn't know that?"
When i talk with you I tend to think about my spirituality and life with christ. You think about it, and that makes me think about it. I think we analyse (just found out I don't know how to spell that word) things so much that our conversations don't tolerate superficial interpretations of this type of rhetoric. I was commenting on how I often brush this type of rhetoric off and say "yeah, I knew that, I'm a christian." Sometimes when I really think about things I find it hard to apply it to right here, right now. Walking into my house, how do I live like that when I interact with my room mates, with my class mates, with my family.
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