Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Not Sure

What a day, what a life. I guess it's been awhile since I wrote anything on here. No time, no time. What if life was actually just about the important things in life? I wonder what that would look like. I guess important is a relative term. Most people don't care about chemistry or think it's important, when really it is what makes us function and makes the world go round (ok that's physics actually). As for me, I'd hate to take the "what difference does this make to my life?" stance about learning. Learning is so important, even if it's just the process. And yet it's so easy to go to class and lack free time and end up thinking - am I really doing what's important in life?

I hate people that complain about everything- it irritates me listening to them. Maybe I should do less of it too.

Maybe you should do less of it.