The Trip Begins!
Europe, here we come! Allyn (Will's sister) and I leave tomorrow morning around 11 am for London. We'll fly to Dallas, then Zurich, then into London. We'll be there for a few days before Will joins us (the 4th), his dad the 7th, and then eventually his mom and Jenny (other sister) will join us in Italy the 28th. I'd like you to meet Kate the Excellent, my traveling companion:

You'll be seeing a lot of her in the coming weeks. That's the backpack that's got everything I'll need for two months in it. Heck yes I'll be buff when I get back :) Maybe just toned. Well, it's past midnight and I need to finish some scholarship paperwork before I leave in the morning.
Hasta pasta all.
Oh yes, Kate was a part of a set of toys with different shapes that fit into a little boat that I pulled around when I was a kid. My mom threw them away a few years back, but I salvaged Kate and the Lion. Thanks Mom. ;)
You're going to Europe?!? I swear, everyone but me gets to go.
That's awesome though... you're gonna have so much fun you won't know what to do with yourself!
Oh, and I didn't know if you wanted to continue with the 10 Word Letter thing or not, but if you do and get time in freakin' EUROPE you're letter will be "R"...
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