Sunday, November 20, 2005

This Weekend

So it's kinda been a long weekend. I don't know exactly why. I've kinda had a headache since Thursday afternoon, which sucks and isn't really that surprising considering the last week. I don't really feel like I'm where I should be in a lot of places, and that's a little frustrating for me. Ok really frustrating. It's like all I want to do is get these things right, but I can't/don't know how/don't have time, so things continue unsaid and not understood, and it's continually wearing and tiring and yet I can't do anything cause of why I said before. What a predicament. And at the same time it's not really. I'm fine. I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, an able body, safety, leisure time (even though I tend to think I don't), opportunity, romance, family, God, and people who care about me. God is good. He has amazingly blessed me, and I should spend more time on my knees thankful about that than worrying about the rest of my life or medical school or big exams. Sigh. God teach me to view the world and my life through Your eyes; to rejoice at the things You rejoice at and have my heart break at the things that break Your heart. Shape and mold me to be more like You.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Crazy Kilted Community - Yay Stewart and Freedom Fighters!!

You scored as William Wallace. The great Scottish warrior William Wallace led his people against their English oppressors in a campaign that won independence for Scotland and immortalized him in the hearts of his countrymen. With his warrior's heart, tactician's mind, and poet's soul, Wallace was a brilliant leader. He just wanted to live a simple life on his farm, but he gave it up to help his country in its time of need.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Rachel and I

Rachel and I at Sarah Lusby's play "The MouseTrap." We dressed up. And it was fun.

And it's snowing in Michigan. Isn't that silly?!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


This stuff tastes weird. Hopefully it works though, cause I don't want to get sick. No time, no time at all.


Dang I hate it when people write in all caps. Let's just say this could have been the week from hell, and instead God has exceedingly merciful to me and has allowed it to be decent. Thank you Lord!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Well, I don't usually like to brag....

but I'm beating Will in our football picking pool. Only by two points, but still.


Friday, November 11, 2005


My most recent archery injury.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Ok people

I'm officially exhausted. Officially.
I have no idea how I'm going to make it to Thanksgiving....


Saturday, November 05, 2005

Question of the Week

I'm incredibly frustrated. When babies are born as crack babies, it's not their fault, is it? It's a life they don't choose; rather it is forced upon them. Granted, if they are not weaned off of it and then once of age, make a conscious decision to continue the habit, then they are responsible for that part, yes. But this is the question I pose: do you think that the baby would have ever started crack on his own? Growing up in a normal neighbor with average friends, would he have ever really had the notion to just up and go try crack?

I would argue not. I think his predisposition to it without his legitimate consent places him in a position somewhat less responsible for the condition that he finds himself in once he has come to an understanding of his situation.

In any case, he still grew up a crack baby - nothing will ever change that. One's past cannot be escaped. And once he's aware of his position, the fact that he didn't choose that addiction does not make it any less difficult to quit.

The pain is still real, the temptation still as strong, and the willpower still as necessary.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Have I ever mentioned that I love cats?

It's cause they're so much better than dogs....

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Look what my lovely roommate got me..... Isn't it pretty? Awwwhhh....

This is Kimie and I carving our pumpkin this year. Actually, it is Kim and Easton's pumpkin.... I helped.

And the final product!!


Thought I'd share a picture of where I spend most of my time and where I'm headed in about 20 minutes. This isn't actually me and I don't even know who this is... I found it on google.

In any case, I thought I'd share some of chapel today from Dr. John Mark Reynolds about Ephesians 5:21.
"If everyone is special, then no one is. This verse talks about us submitting to each other. We are, in essense, all slaves to each other and to Christ. So it follows that if we are all slaves, then none of us are. We are free in Christ, if we submit ourselves to Him and to each other."

That is potential material for a lot of discussion and thought.

Here I go to physics lab......

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Wow do I have an amazing boyfriend or what. :) Anyhow, let's see what did I do today. I got up and brushed my teeth laying on my couch. Is that normal? I don't think so. Oh well. And guess what! I got an A on my second ochem exam. Woohoo! That pretty much made my day. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get an A in the class. Wouldn't that be exciting! Let's see, and then I stood in line for like an hour (we don't all have great connections Josh) for the Biola Premiere of Narnia the 8th of December. It's a Red Carpet Debut, so it should be fun to get all dressed up.
Here's a picture of one of my favorite things:

Just thought I'd share that with you all... now you know what to get me for my birthday. :) What else.... Ah yes! I synthesized aspirin today from salicyclic acid. While it took four hours, it was fun. And Sarah I promise I'll get tickets to the play on Friday.... I forgot again.

I think that's about it for today. Quote of the day: "Try harder next time.." by Dr. Rynd to a Miss Tori Sprunger who didn't get a single thing wrong on the ochem exam. Way to go Tori.
